Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Teaching, Finally!!!!

I finished my teacher training and am now totally teaching!!! Yay!!!!
It's week 2 and it's going pretty well, I feel. I have 5 classes and they are all good. Today, one of my students told me that she LOVES my class!!!! Woo-hoo!!! It feels really great to enjoy a job and know that people enjoy what you do. Awesome!!
I had 3 weeks off between training and starting work. My parents came to visit for the first week, and it was great. We did a lot of touristy things, including an ATV ride in the jungle and a boat cruise that included some whale watching! It was really fun to do all that stuff, and great to see my parents and get to hang out with them.
I spent the last two weeks of my holidays dogsitting the neighbours' chihuahua, Lenchu. In all, he was here for 3 weeks. He was quite a handful! It made me realize I'm not at all ready for the responsibility of a dog, or at least not a puppy, who still needs a lot of training, etc. I'm glad that I found out thru dogsitting and didn't get a dog and then feel insanely overwhelmed and not know what to do about it. Hopefully, someday, I'll be able to look after a dog of my own. That day is not any time close to now, though.
That's about it.